Philosophy, Culture and Christianity
Being of no consequence
What are you willing to do for God? We all want to be useful, to make a difference, to be valued. But are you willing not to be used, not to make a difference, not to be valued? Our desire to be used by God, to matter, to make a difference, turns so easily into…
Since when do you believe in God?
In the film (movie!) Four Good Days, a story of the tragedy of addiction, Ash asks her mother: “Mom. Since when do you believe in God?”“Since not believing didn’t work.” This sums up the experience of many including myself. Materialistic atheism didn’t work intellectually (not a problem for everyone, but it was for me) and…
Hegelian Christmas Thoughts
Wishing you a happy and Hegelian Christmas The birth of the Christ child, the Logos, was announced as “peace on earth”. I can’t think of anything that we would more wish for, but at the same time as despairing of its absence in so many ways and despairing of the multiple alienations that beset us.…
Cognitive dualism and the disappearance of God
The fascinating paradox of Roger Scruton’s thought lies in his commitment to scientific naturalism together with his appreciation for continental thought with its sensitivity to the human condition. Many philosophers that share his analytical background have distanced themselves from religious, or even existential, ways of thinking. It is a reflection of his deep grasp of…
God and the Astrophysicist
Whether theist or atheist, Christian or non-believer, it is quite possible that your concept of God is pictorial and quite possibly childlike. This is not to say that this is a bad thing. Much of religious thought is expressed in picture language and it is probably beyond us to entirely escape it, and it may…
Why I’m not an Evangelical & my road back to faith.
The new millennium began for me with multiple disruptions to my life, in my marriage, my career, the experience of being in a new culture in which I did not feel entirely at home, and the subsequent failure of my faith to provide an adequate response. The latter compounded the experience of disorder and chaos…
The problem of scepticism
Moral Obligation: Kant, Schiller, and Hegel1 The direction of thought following Descartes can be characterised as scepticism or questioning of all previously accepted authorities. It is reason alone that should be the final arbiter of what is right and true. For Descartes this raised the question of certainty in knowledge, thus setting the stage for…
Is the de-Christianising of Western Culture a dangerous experiment?
This is a hugely important question for all citizens of Western societies, whether Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, or even adherents of another faith. As individuals and as a society we make sense of our lives through stories. Why else would we spend so much time immersed in fiction whether it be stories, film, or games? The…